Xiippy’s lightweight SDK for NodeJS has been released and is accessible at https://github.com/Xiippy/Xiippy.POSeCommSDK.Light_GoLang .
A sample app on how to use the SDKs and start processing your first onine payments has become available at https://github.com/Xiippy/XiippySDKBridgeSampleNodeJSApp.
The SDK has become available as an NPM package at https://www.npmjs.com/package/xiippy.posecomsdk.light as well.
The lightweight series of SDKs from Xiippy empowers the processing of privacy-preserving data-rich payments with around 100 lines of code, without the burden of cryptographic key management and cyotography.
Xiippy’s lightweight SDK documentation can be accessed at https://xiippydocs.gitbook.io/
#Lightweight #SDK #API #Data-Rich-Payments